Archive: Inetc Upload Issue

Inetc Upload Issue
I have a website and i'm trying to write a NSIS script to upload a single file to FTP.

My host need the following adress to directly acess FTP folder:

If I paste it into web browser, the FTP folder sucesfully opens.

But using same adress in the script with Inetc plugin, it fail and gives this error:
"URL Parts error".

inetc::put "" "$EXEDIR\file.xml" /end

Pop$0 # return value = exit code, "OK" if OK
MessageBox MB_OK "Status: $0"
If I change the script to this:

inetc::put "" "$EXEDIR\file.xml" /end

Pop$0 # return value = exit code, "OK" if OK
MessageBox MB_OK "Status: $0"
The "URL Parts error" disappear, but the authentication fail in the server.

Any help?

Try doing a get instead of put. It could be the problem is in needing writing rights. (Note that you're not supplying a remote folder to upload to.)