Archive: Admin rights

Admin rights

i created with EclipseNsis a setup.nsi file and myProject.exe. The executable have to start by a user with admin rigths. How I configure admin rights in the setup.nsi?

My trial (but nothing has changed):

RequestExecutionLevel highest

The Faq site is empty =)

Thanks :)

It is not emtpy. It says "Use the UserInfo plug-in. For an example see the 'Examples\UserInfo' folder."

However, this info is incomplete. On Vista and higher, you should also add a requestexecutionlevel admin. (However, remember that this is only an extra for when UAC is turned on. If UAC is turned off, requestexecutionlevel is completely ignored by Windows.) Here's the proper way to do it:

Originally posted by MSG
It is not emtpy. It says "Use the UserInfo plug-in. For an example see the 'Examples\UserInfo' folder."
Yes but there is no example or i didn't find the example.

Originally posted by MSG
However, this info is incomplete. On Vista and higher, you should also add a requestexecutionlevel admin. (However, remember that this is only an extra for when UAC is turned on. If UAC is turned off, requestexecutionlevel is completely ignored by Windows.) Here's the proper way to do it:
Thanks i try it.

Pop $R0 ; = "Admin"
