Archive: Unable to load NsisIIS.dll

Unable to load NsisIIS.dll

I'm trying to do a installer for web site with IIS.
I'm using the plugin NsisIIS.

My installer works well on my windows seven 32bits, but doesn't on a windows server 2008 64bits.

This error is writed at each utilisation of a NsisIIS function :

Impossible de charger : C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\nsxFA7E.tmp\NsisIIS.dll

"Impossible de charger" means "unable to load" in French.

I'm using :
${If} ${RunningX64}
!insertmacro DisableX64FSRedirection
SetRegView 64
(if there are something with 64bits...)

How to correct this error ?

You cannot call DisableX64FSRedirection and then load a dll, enable it again before you call the dll...

Thank you so much.
It works !
Now at each problem, i'll test with and without 64 bits redirection.

You cannot do anything that might load a dll from system32 when redirection is off because it will try to load the 64 bit dll and you cannot load a 64 bit dll in a 32 bit process...

It works prefectly on Windows Server 2008.
But I try on Windows Server 2012, and have the same error :
Unable to load : C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\nse1FDD.tmp\NsisIIS.dll
The installer detects 64bits.
Is it because NsisIIS doesn't support windows 8 / windows server 2012 ?