Archive: IsEmptyDir check

IsEmptyDir check
  Im not an expert .. but find NSIS an intriguing language.
I love the simplicity, and small overhead.

I discover new things everyday.

For instance.. today.. i learned:


if used with a wildcard to detect if files exists, will always return true, due to ".", "..".


IfFileExists `$INSTDIR\Dir\*.*` 0 skip

MessageBox MB_OK "Did not skip."
Using Logic:
${If} ${FileExists} `$INSTDIR\Dir\*.*`

MessageBox MB_OK "Did not skip."
Both examples will execute MessageBox, because it will detect ".", "..".

I have put together a useful script that will allow both above examples to work.

;!include logiclib.nsh

>!define IsEmptyDir `"" LL_IsEmptyDir`
!macro _LL_IsEmptyDir _a _b _t _f
!insertmacro _LOGICLIB_TEMP
${EmptyDir} `${_b}` $_LOGICLIB_TEMP
!insertmacro _= $_LOGICLIB_TEMP 1 `${_t}` `${_f}`
>!macro EmptyDir _DIR _VAR
Call EmptyDir
>!define EmptyDir `!insertmacro EmptyDir`
Function EmptyDir
>; renamed isempty from:
# Stack -> # Stack: <directory>
Exch $0 # Stack: $0
Push $1 # Stack: $1, $0
FindFirst $0 $1 "$0\*.*"
strcmp $1 "." 0 _notempty
FindNext$0 $1
strcmp$1 ".." 0 _notempty
FindNext$0 $1
IfErrors 0 _notempty
Pop$1 # Stack: $0
StrCpy $0 1
Exch$0 # Stack: 1 (true)
goto _end
FindClose $0
Pop$1 # Stack: $0
StrCpy $0 0
Exch$0 # Stack: 0 (false)

Now you can do this:


MessageBox MB_OK "Did not skip."

im sure the script can be shortened/improved..
But im not an expert..
infact.. i would truly love it if someone could improve the "isEmptyDir" script w/ Logic.

System::Call Shlwapi::PathIsDirectoryEmpty(t"$INSTDIR\Dir")i.r0
StrCmp $0 1 0 +2
MessageBox MB_OK "Directory is empty"


Originally posted by gfm688
System::Call Shlwapi::PathIsDirectoryEmpty(t"$INSTDIR\Dir")i.r0
StrCmp $0 1 0 +2
MessageBox MB_OK "Directory is empty"

Amazing. :up:

all of that code can now be shrunken to this:
!define IsEmptyDir `"" LL_IsEmptyDir`

!macro _LL_IsEmptyDir _a _b _t _f
!insertmacro _LOGICLIB_TEMP
System::Call Shlwapi::PathIsDirectoryEmpty(t"${_b}")i.r0 $_LOGICLIB_TEMP
!insertmacro _= $_LOGICLIB_TEMP 1 `${_t}` `${_f}`
to call:


>${IfNot} ${IsEmptyDir} `$Dir_to_check`
"code to execute"

Thank you gfm688.

!define IsEmptyDir `"" LL_IsEmptyDir`
!macro _LL_IsEmptyDir _a _b _t _f
!insertmacro _LOGICLIB_TEMP
System::Call `Shlwapi::PathIsDirectoryEmpty(t"${_b}")i.s`
!insertmacro _= $_LOGICLIB_TEMP 1 `${_t}` `${_f}`


Originally posted by gfm688
!define IsEmptyDir `"" LL_IsEmptyDir`
!macro _LL_IsEmptyDir _a _b _t _f
!insertmacro _LOGICLIB_TEMP
System::Call `Shlwapi::PathIsDirectoryEmpty(t"${_b}")i.s`
!insertmacro _= $_LOGICLIB_TEMP 1 `${_t}` `${_f}`
You should change this code so it compares <> 0, BOOL can be > 1, it usually means success is non-zero...

Thank you

Originally posted by Anders
You should change this code so it compares <> 0, BOOL can be > 1, it usually means success is non-zero...
How's this?


!macro _LL_IsEmptyDir _a _b _t _f
!insertmacro _LOGICLIB_TEMP
::Call `Shlwapi::PathIsDirectoryEmpty(t"${_b}")i.s`
!insertmacro _<> $_LOGICLIB_TEMP 0 `${_t}` `${_f}`

any recommendations for checking stack in a function/macro?

Originally Posted by gfm688 (Post 2908169) !define IsEmptyDir `"" LL_IsEmptyDir`
!macro _LL_IsEmptyDir _a _b _t _f
!insertmacro _LOGICLIB_TEMP
System::Call `Shlwapi::PathIsDirectoryEmpty(t"${_b}")i.s`
!insertmacro _= $_LOGICLIB_TEMP 1 `${_t}` `${_f}`
!macroend how come it works for me without popping?