18th February 2013 04:29 UTC
Win 8 Narration With NSIS
(Sorry for poor English... )
Lately, I was reported that my NSIS program has a problem with accessibility by a person related Human Rights Commission.
The problem was a accessibility program could not confirm whether the Components Page's checkbox option was checked or not.
Basically Windows 8's Narrator program supports these function, so I was able to checked those problems, too.
Anyone who solve these problems tell me what I have to do.
18th February 2013 10:12 UTC
The component treeview uses images because:
A) Older versions of Windows does not support checkboxes in the treeview (IIRC)
B) The versions with checkbox support does not support all the states we use
19th February 2013 03:04 UTC
Because the Checkbox in the treeview is just a image, so it can't be told by the external programs, you said.
There is no way that I should think.
Anyway, I really appreciate your kind answer. :-)
19th February 2013 03:55 UTC
It might be possible to implement, either by using the checked state but hiding the checkbox? or implement IAccessible, it might even be possible for a plugin to handle it...