Archive: If statement when a radio button is selected

If statement when a radio button is selected
I am newbie in NSIS and i don't know how to make in a if statement when a radio button is selected
I have 2 radio buttons. The first button is preselected by default and i want when the second radiobutton is selected to unselect the 1st radio button and do some other code.

Here is my code

${NSD_CreateRadioButton} 40 130 450 40 "Typical installation(recommended)"
Pop $hCtl_sss_RadioButton1
${NSD_AddStyle} $hCtl_sss_RadioButton1 ${WS_GROUP}
SendMessage $hCtl_sss_RadioButton1 ${WM_SETFONT} $hCtl_sss_Font1 0
${NSD_Check} $hCtl_sss_RadioButton1

${NSD_CreateRadioButton} 40 210 450 40 "Custom installation"
Pop $hCtl_sss_RadioButton2
${NSD_AddStyle} $hCtl_sss_RadioButton2 ${WS_GROUP}

SendMessage $hCtl_sss_RadioButton2 ${WM_SETFONT} $hCtl_sss_Font1 0

Thank you all in advance

Originally posted by jpderuiter
thank you very much......I found how to control the radio button