8th March 2013 14:51 UTC
Version Information
I am trying to grab the value of a user defined field from the Version tab in File Properties. From searching, I have found VIAddVersionKey, which does the exact opposite of what I want. Instead of setting these keys, is there any way to read them? I know there is a plug-in for this (MoreInfo), but I am not allowed to use plug-ins, so I was hoping to do it within base NSIS. Thanks
8th March 2013 15:11 UTC
The only native NSIS instruction is GetDllVersion and it only grabs the version number.
You could call VerQueryValue and friends with the system plugin but that is a lot of work just to avoid a 3rd party plugin...
8th March 2013 16:33 UTC
First time using a plug-in, I've downloaded and extracted the MoreInfo.zip, have moved MoreInfo.dll into C:\Program Files\NSIS\plugins, but don't see any .nsh files to move into C:\Program Files\NSIS\Include. Am I missing something, or maybe my extract didn't work correctly?
Also, is there a specific !include line I need to include in my .nsi file? Thanks :winamp:
8th March 2013 21:07 UTC
Not every plugin has a .nsh, the wiki or included readme should have examples...
8th March 2013 21:09 UTC
Here's what I have right now that's not working:
MoreInfo::GetUserDefined "$INSTDIR\BEP.exe" "BuildLabel"
Pop $0
MessageBox MB_OK $0
MoreInfo.dll has been moved to plugin folder, no !includes up top, from what I've read what I have should output "" in my messagebox, but a blank string is being displayed. Any thoughts? In all the threads containing "MoreInfo" everyone seems to get it working right away, too frustrating! :igor:
Have gone through examples, my paths are correct, BuildLabel is correct,....
9th March 2013 01:49 UTC
Originally posted by Ctc1989
I know there is a plug-in for this (MoreInfo), but I am not allowed to use plug-ins, so I was hoping to do it within base NSIS.
No plug-ins at all? Or no plug-ins that that don't ship with the "official" NSIS installer?
In the former case will probably notice that your installer already
is using plug-ins, because many (basic) things in NSIS need plug-ins. Especially if you use MUI or MUI2, you installer definitely
does use plug-ins. And that's not a bad thing, it's simply how things work.
In the second case, why not use plug-in that does exactly what you need? Trying to emulate the same thing with the System plug-in of NSIS is much more difficult and more error prone! I'd rather trust a third-party plug-in than reinvent the wheel.
Anyway, if using third-party plug-ins isn't possible for whatever reason, writing your own plug-ins for NSIS isn't rocked science. If you already have a basic knowledge about C/C++ and you know how to use Visual Studio, you can probably implement it yourself in one hour. What you'd need is
GerFileVersionInfo plus
VerQueryValue and that's it.