Archive: Writting Folder causes error code 80

Writting Folder causes error code 80

My NSIS installer is giving a error code of 80 when I attempt to copy/overwrite a folder. I think it may have to do with the fact that the folder I am attempting to copy to the users HD already exists. But in my case I will always want to overwrite it.

What does the error code 80 mean?

Heres my code:

# Write plugins to EXDS_Customisation\EXDS_USER\
SetOverwrite try
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\EXDS_User\"
FILE /r "${localInstallDir}\EXDS_Customisation\EXDS_User\${MAINPLUGINSDIR}"

${If} ${Errors}
System::Call "Kernel32::GetLastError() i() .r1"
# Prints: "Error code: 80"
MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_OK "Error code: $1 "

System::Call "Kernel32::GetLastError()... is never valid, the error information is lost in the system::call part before the API is called and maybe other code in between the call that failed and you trying to get the error code...