Archive: Linker Plugin Issue

Linker Plugin Issue
I want to create a link on License page. So I am creating a control and adding link using linker plugin. Everything is working fine, till I try to make the link control transparent.
In that case the installer just crashes.
I think its a bug in the Linker plugin. Has it been there already ?
Is there any fix/patch for it?

Function LicPage_Show
FindWindow $R0 "#32770" "" $HWNDPARENT
System::Call 'User32::CreateWindowEx(i 0, t "STATIC", t "Visit NSIS homepage", i ${WS_CHILD}|${WS_VISIBLE}, i 165, i 205, i 100, i 20, i R0, i 666, i 0, i 0) i.R1'
CreateFont $1 $(^Font) $(^FontSize) "400"
SendMessage $R1 ${WM_SETFONT} $1 0
linker::link /NOUNLOAD $R1 ""
SetCtlColors $R1 0xFFFFFF transparent

No, at this moment there is no fix for it but you can easily modify Linker's sources.

P.S.: Do not use CreateWindowEx in your script, rather use ResHacker it is much safer.

Yeah. I have modified the Linker's source and now I am doing the transparent part before Linker and everything is working fine now.

BTW, what are the risks of using CreateWindowEx ?
I think its much convenient to use than carrying an extra MUI exe everywhere. No ?

Originally posted by miraz.zaidi
Yeah. I have modified the Linker's source and now I am doing the transparent part before Linker and everything is working fine now.
As I did not find your (modified) version i uploaded my own (Linker 1.2) to wiki: where is the transparency problem fixed.