Khmer Language
Hello everyone,
I am trying to add Khmer to the NSIS translations but I am running into some issues which I am not sure how to resolve.
I have a 95% Khmer translation of the files (only a couple strings haven't yet been translated)
\NSIS\Contrib\Language files\Khmer.nlf
\NSIS\Contrib\Language files\Khmer.nsh
I tried using MakeLangId.exe but this didn't have the Khmer language/sublanguage listed.
it looks like there is only a Unicode page no Microsoft Code page for Khmer.
Here is what I found
Locale identifier Locale Locale name Script tag ANSI code page
0×0453 Windows Vista and later: Khmer (Cambodia) kh-KH Khmr Unicode only
And that chart shows the code page starting at 1780 (which didn’t work)
I get the following warning and when I run the install ?'s show up. I do have the Khmer font installed and can see the text using Notpad
Khmer language file uses a codepage (1780) that is not supported on this system, using ACP! (macro:MUI_LANGUAGE:9)
Attached is the font and the files we had translated so far.
Does the NSIS unicode installer work for non-microsoft coded pages?
Is there some trick I am missing?
Thanks for any help you can offer.
Charles LaPierre