Archive: makensis.exe giving a problem

makensis.exe giving a problem
Hello All,

I used NSIS a while ago, which is used to do some unzipping of files and installation.

Now I want to generate the .exe file from .nsi file for which I should use command line script instead of using MakeNSIS Window (NSIS Menu -> Compile NSIS Window). So I tried using makensis.exe, but it failed.

Error :
C:\Users\XXXXXX\Desktop\PC change\work\XXXX\deliverables>makensis.exe Tryi
'makensis.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Any help is highly appreciated. Thank you.

P.S : Please find the attached screen shot.

NSIS doesn't add its install directory to the PATH environment variable. If you want to call makensis like that you need to add it yourself (Google it). Otherwise you need to specify the full path to makensis.exe when calling it from cmd or from a batch script.
