Extracting Files slow under Windows 8
I have two installers that show the same behavior: (both NSIS 2.46)
The phase where files are being extracted to the installation directory is awfully long under Windows 8 (32/64 bit) compared to previous Windows versions.
e.g. a 620 KB installer unpacking about 1MB of files (total) takes up to 12s to do this before starting the next action/section whereas under Windows 7 (same machine) unpacking is performed in less than a second. (Detailprint for that action is visible together with the GUI appearing after start, on Win8 one can read the "Extracting files...." and wait until the next section does a DetailPrint.
I have already moved from compression lzma /SOLID to lzma only, but no change.
I also tried NSIS 3.0a0 with manifest for Win8 - no change.
The installer where speed is important (10-13s overhead) already has the manifest for Win8 added using MTTool.
Can anybody explain why NSIS under Windows 8 is so much slower extracting files?
Is there solution/workaround?