Archive: How to download a file from the Internet without the use of plug-ins ??

How to download a file from the Internet without the use of plug-ins ??
How to download a file from the Internet without the use of plug-ins ?
Is it possible to use this function URLDownloadToFile () ? How to do it?

You need the system plugin to call Windows functions...

Try this:

OutFile "URLDownloadToFile_test.exe"
StrCpy $1 ""
StrCpy $2 "C:\Downloads\wrar500.exe"
System::Call 'urlmon.dll::URLDownloadToFile(i0,i$1,i$2, i0, i0)'
But it is not working ... Please tell me how to solve the problem.

You wanted to do it without plugins and then you post some code where you are using a plugin!

Why not use one of the downloader plugins?

I am interested - how to use the function URLDownloadToFile.
Is it so difficult to help ?..

What is wrong with nsisDL and InetC?

WS.Reputation.1 | Symantec

I understand - triggering false. But you can not work ....

On nsisdl.dll not find any working links ...

NSIDdl is shipped with NSIS. If you did a full install, you already have it.

INetC is no longer detected by Symantec and I submitted a false positive to TrendMicro, the problem should go away soon...

StrCpy $1 ""
StrCpy $2 "$temp\reply.gif"
System::Call 'urlmon::URLDownloadToFile(i0,tr1,tr2, i0, i0)i.r0'
DetailPrint HRESULT=$0 ; 0 means success (probably), read MSDN for more info

Thank you very much!