Archive: Welcome

Hey everybody, I just thought it might be a good idea to have a place where we can all show what we're doing, talk about what we need in NSIS, and all that stuff.



woah, this just spontaneously appeared :)

Yes, another new forum :)

hehe:D its at the bottom where no one will find it:D

but its great!

I know a person who's going to ask to mod this forum :D

can i be mod!!!!!:D

i am the first to ask

i came back to ask and i see Twilightseers post. i guess you all know me.

so can i be mod?

Your insistence reminds me of myself when I wasn't a mod yet :D

s1138... goddamnit nobodies even posted anything meaningful and you are already asking! :eek: ;) I think this forum should be moderated by... people who know NSIS ... don't you think that would be proper? Heck... either that or leave it the positions open.

Cool beans. :D

Isn't that a shame ? A brand new forum, no significant post about NSIS and various members/mods already drifting off-topic :D

Well, at least I didn't start a new thread to say "Cool beans." :D

Cool Justin ! NSIS finaly get's the publicity it needs :)

Hello, what's this then? :D Well great anyway. I'm a standard pimp user myself. I'd use NSIS but I'm not a developer or application writer..yet

Well that's my useless post for this forum :)

Originally posted by Twilightseer
Isn't that a shame ? A brand new forum, no significant post about NSIS and various members/mods already drifting off-topic :D

Sweet! A NSIS forum!
I'm actually using it to make an installer for a project a group of my friends and I are working on... It's amazing what you can make an installer do.

btw - why is NSIS on NOW, as opposed to a while back?... for me, 1.1o was just a regular (almost daily) update, not a super-new-beta. Whatever.

Finally, another place to check when I surf the forums. :D

Keep up the good work, Justin.

-- Jarsonic

I also put a link to it from which will soon be pushed to .



Hey, Justin -

When you get a chance, update the page with the latest version of NSIS. it has version 1.0j up for download right now. ;^)

-- Jarsonic

i know how to use NSIS. so see, i can be the mod.:D
i can pimp, i can even superpimp.

This new form amazes me, mabye someone could have a tutoral to teach a dimnut like me how to implenent NSIS in my programs. Making a program is easy, knowen what the hell its soposed to do takes time. The way I code, at least when board.

The only reson i actually posted dis is to ask a simple question. How do i implement the installer in a program.

Hey I used NSIS to install my Computer Science practicals on the lecturers computer.

Originally posted by s1138
i know how to use NSIS. so see, i can be the mod.:D
i can pimp, i can even superpimp.
You won't give up, will you ? :D

nope i wont:D
and OO7TDD, you can download the sdk or whatever from the developer section, then basically follow the directions

fine i will then try possiply ask to mod this forum? or will i get told off like that other guy who tries too much.

could i mod?

eh! i dont get told off. i can hope cant I? its better to strive for something, then it is to sit back and let someone else take it.

besides ive been around just as long, if not longer, then all the mods.
and i can be helpful, sometimes...:rolleyes:

New Moderators
S1138 should be a mod of this fourm, he is competent or at least projects that image. He is the first to ask and has experience in the fourms. Oh yea, he is one of the only people who dosn't have a problem with me or at least dosn't show it. I think he deserves to be a mod.

I got no why i decided to post this other than i think that he should be a mod.

Re: New Moderators

Originally posted by OO7TDD
S1138 should be a mod of this fourm, he is competent or at least projects that image. He is the first to ask and has experience in the fourms. Oh yea, he is one of the only people who dosn't have a problem with me or at least dosn't show it. I think he deserves to be a mod.

I got no why i decided to post this other than i think that he should be a mod.
Stop bitching about who should be mod !!! This forum doesn't realy need one know !
OO7TDD shut up some more ... Fucking newbies ...
...Evil me :D

Yo, Ass Fuck, if you even noticed, i was suggesting that s1138 be the mod, and how the fuck do you "bitch" about who you want to be a mod. Why the fuck wont anyone let a person express there opinions, its fucks like you that bitch and moan about what anyone says, keep ure mother fucking coments to your fucken self.

come on now, lets all be friends. save it for the bitchlist.
thanks OO7!
Thor be happy!

Now i get it, the winamp bitchlist is a place where u find bitches like people who are argue. i thought is like a whore house, silly me.

It's hightime NSIS gets the love it deserves from the community. Rock on.

Ok children, Now we are now fighting for a position that keeps this kinds of things to happen. for this the only person around here that can keep cool and is REALLY compitant to be moderator of this forum is me.

Re: Ohhhhh

Originally posted by OO7TDD
Now i get it, the winamp bitchlist is a place where u find bitches like people who are argue. i thought is like a whore house, silly me.
You low ho pussy !!!
What I meant was this : This forum doesn't need a mod now, it has only been here for 2 days and your all bitching about who should be mod ... And if it does need one Justin will diside ...
And the reason I chose to flame you is because off all your useless bitch posts on the Wa3 forums ... The ones where you typed a Capital Letter On Every Word ! Bitch !

RE: RE: Ohhhh
Re: Re: Ohhhhh

Originally posted by OO7TDD
Now i get it, the winamp bitchlist is a place where u find bitches like people who are argue. i thought is like a whore house, silly me.

You low ho pussy !!
What I meant was this : This forums doesn't need a mod now, it only here for 2 days and your all bitching about who should be mod ... And if it does need one Justin will diside ...
And the reason I chose to flame you is because off all your useless bitch posts on the Wa3 forums ... The ones where you typed a Capital Letter On Every Word ! Bitch
My point exactly!! every body argueing over something that tries to prevent these types of actions now tell me im not right!!

I know it probably won't happen, but I'd like to moderate this forum. I know quite a bit about nsis as I have been using it to package a program that I have been working on for a local picture framing company, or at least I think I know quite a bit.

come on thor! OO7! dont fight. this is the new forum NSIS.
i think this forum does need a mod (preferably me):D.
but if there is no possible way for me to get it, then i would like to nominate wolfieD, or ReDVsion. theyve been here along time too.

Originally posted by s1138
come on thor! OO7! dont fight. this is the new forum NSIS.
i think this forum does need a mod (preferably me):D.
but if there is no possible way for me to get it, then i would like to nominate wolfieD, or ReDVsion. theyve been here along time too.
ok :) i'll stop fighting :) ... but OO7 is an arse :D

Ok, everybody chill out... :D

Seriously, though, Thor is right. There aren't enough posts to even require a moderator (yet). And, yes, Justin or watadoo will choose a mod when this forum does require one.

I kinda get the feeling that repeatedly asking to be a mod in post after post isn't the best way to improve your chances of becoming one. :D

To conclude, I'm sure all of us wouldn't mind being a moderator (I know I wouldn't). I'm also sure that Justin or watadoo will choose the person whom in their mind would be best to moderate this forum.

That's my 2 cents.

-- Jarsonic

Amen to that !! Thanks for the support jarsonic...

jarsonic said::
I'm also sure that Justin or watadoo will choose the person whom in their mind would be best to moderate this forum.

(ahem, hint hint):D:D

this forum needs a mod, (again refer to my above posts)

Thor, we are both probally arse's so i will stop as well.

s1138, u realize your # of posts probally be subtracted from the total.

Oh yea, i got to jion in. Can I Be A Mod? (as if i ever had a chance in hell)LOL

Archive: Welcome

A Useless Idea
Why don't you people who are fighting for the mod of the forum position write an email to Justin and beg.

Exactly! Then they would definately get taken off of the list of possible mods - less competition for the rest of us that don't beg. :D

-- Jarsonic

This thread is getting really funny :D

nope. i wont ask to be mod outside of the forums. i dont email him and ask, and i dont ask in IRC.
that would just be TOO pathetic.
and he might hate me for being that annoying:(

you people bitch about being the mod too much if i was mod (and i would too!!) i would stop this disussion, and tell you to get more on the lines of the subject of this forum [PERIOD!]

this is the winamp forums!
a mod would have to be flexible.
i doubt any current mod would want to lock this thread
(now that i said that, they all are going to say they would):D

my point exactly, s1138!

Its been about 3 weeks since anyone posted in this thread so:

Vote PsyPab for mod!

Talk about beating a dead horse...
:D j/k

-- Jarsonic

I thought with todays medical technology perhaps we could revive that dead horse...

...or maybe clone it. Then we'd have two dead horses to play with. :D

-- Jarsonic

If we created 3 or more we could start juggling them, wouldn't that be fun?