14th March 2001 16:36 UTC
Can a \r\n be inserted into a MessageBox's msgtext? I've tried it and it only appears plain text. I have a large message and right now it looks sort of ugly all spread out. Any one know how to do this?
Also btw, html code is on for this forum...dunno if that was intentional.
15th March 2001 20:57 UTC
use the ascii codes [pseudocode: chr(13)+chr(10)]. i guess this will work:
char cr = 13; //carriage return
char lf = 10; //line feed
MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("text to display in line 1"+cr+lf+"text to display in line 2"), ...);
there could be problems with using the MFC CString class because there are differences between CString and char* in how the text is interpreted. try to use the windows api function ... maybe then it works without the code shown above
15th March 2001 21:42 UTC
Originally posted by buzzc4
Also btw, html code is on for this forum...dunno if that was intentional.
Nope it wasn't. It's fixed allready. Thanks for warning us.