17th March 2001 08:32 UTC
for some reason DeleteRegKey does not delete the registry key in questions
here is a snippet of the script
DeleteRegKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\NetRadioPlus"
DeleteRegKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "Software\NetRadioPlus"
after I use the uninstaller, which is where this code is, the keys remain, DeleteRegValue works fine btw.
17th March 2001 22:46 UTC
Justin fixed this in 1.1s.
-- Jarsonic
18th March 2001 00:13 UTC
Very cool, thanks for the fix justin.
I wasn't sure if it was me or not, this is the first time I have used this installer, and so for I am very impressed.
18th March 2001 22:00 UTC
I guess Justin wasn't kidding when he said something was broken in 1.1o .