Archive: A new version outside nullsoft

For those interested I have added some extra features that I felt should be in the installer.

Check out

I have a new version out: v1.1s Rev.sc4

Features outside the original include:
- FindWindowTitle (works like FindWindow, except by title, instead of class)
- StartUpText (MessageBox displayed before installer starts)
- StartUpExec (Start a program when the installer starts)
- NewInterface (specify a banner to display across the left side of the installer like many other installers out there, or just use the default) the default was created by me so don't yell about the art, if you think it sucks, just change it :)

Documentation is inside the makensis.html file

Let me know if anything screws up out of the features mentioned above.


i know you are free to do what you want to the program, but to me it seems useless having 2 people working on 2 differetn things that are the same. why not send patches to justin? anyway just my 2 cents.

btw i like the find window by title option.

well it is freely available for that, the installer comes with the source needed to add those functions. If justin thinks those functions are worthy to be in the original then he will add them, I am not going to keep these functions unavailable if people have requested them.

Hands Down Justin could easily do what I did, I just sped up the process a bit. I also think he could do it better.

Thanks for your input.

It sounds good. Are you going to keep updating it to use the latest NSIS source though?

Sure why not :)
Most likely I will, because these are features I need in my installers.