Archive: Am I wrong or this is BUG ?

I install my Winamp for last time in folder \WINAMP4 this is for testing purpose so I have two Winamp one global which is in \WINAMP and one for testing which is in \WINAMP4. So if I install again Winamp or any plugin NSIS must detect \WINAMP4 folder and he do this. Until I try new 1.1o. This version do not detect properly that \WINAMP4 is needed folder. So I go to NSIS web page and check other version. I found 1.1s which to do not work so I go to some old version 1.1n which first start to use IfFileExist that I use in my scrip but again do not work. I also try some of new features (from RegKey) for detecting Install folder here it is part of script I use:
InstallDir $PROGRAMFILES\Winamp
Do I use properly RegKey ?
For my old NSIS scripts I use only "InstallDir $PROGRAMFILES\Winamp" and properly folder was found without any problems.

This is not single problem I made installations for AVSociety and may be we produce most complicated installations which use NSIS. Whit this new ability to check for existing of one file I want to find if there is "vis_avs.dll" so I'll be sure that add-on presets will work. I found this because NSIS make me some problems when I check for existing of "vis_avs.dll". And if it do not exist I ask user to abort installation or to ignore this problem (for user who know what he do and want to install it first in different folder). Here is string I use
IfFileExists $WAVISDIR\vis_avs.dll 1 0

MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL|MB_ICONQUESTION 'Program detect that you do not have vis_avs.dll (Advanced Visual Studio plug-in) in your visual folder so this add-on will not work. If you press "OK" Installation will be aborted. If you press "Cancel" installation will continue but this add-on probably will not work.' IDOK 78
Someone to hear about adding ability of GOTO to NSIS . I think it must be added because as you may see I use IDOK 78 if I want to go to cancel installation and to go to end of it where I send user to\download for downloading newer WINAMP which contains needed files. Ability to jump below or above is good for 1 to 6 skipped command but if you must skip more it is absolutely impossible to find proper number. I was lucky and made only 8 test to find 78. I also find that in number 78 were included and number of all files I install. So lets go back to problem. I try to test program in all possible situation I can think about. So I remove vis_avs.dll file and installation detect that he do not exit and ask me to quit (OK) or to ignore "Chancel" and if I choose ignore it start executing full installation and here it is problem I cannot install anything in $WAVISDIR\ NSIS tell me that "files not work \xxx" and stop installation. As I know $WAVISDIR comes from $INSTALLDIR\PLUGIN or from $INSTALLDIR\winamp.ini but when there is problem with detecting $INSTALLDIR\ there will be problem and with $WAVISDIR.

Please I need HELP or at least tell me to who to mail to Justin or to other (please give me his mail)
Or if someone want to help me I cane send to him whole script.

Sorry for my grammatical mistake it is too complicated to me to explain this in English. I believe you understand me

10x in advance Tonic

hmmm I am not sure but I think their is a function called JUMP that will allow you to Jump so many lines down in your script.

I was sure that I'll be missunderstand. Yes there is something like JUMP function I use it in example IDYES 78. And it jumps not with 78 lines as you dues but with 78 executed command lines (or something like that) . But this is not main problem. Problem is that $WAVISDIR do not work in some situation.

10x Tonic