Swat Leader
7th April 2001 16:03 UTC
Ok.I talk about the EQ project. First, here's the Equilazer that I want to convert into plug in for Winamp (http://www.yamaha.com/menuitems/pane...5A/GQ2015A.htm) Isn't nice??:D
That would be my first attempt in Winamp developper. I didn't made Skins or plug ins. I have VB4 pro edtion and I try to get VB5 pro edition. But can I do something with my VB4? WHICH PROGRAMS DO I REALLY NEED TO CREATE MY BEAUTY????
Swat Leader;)
8th April 2001 05:17 UTC
PaintShop Pro / Photoshop / Microsoft Paint (if you use that, I'll give you some credit :D ) for the visuals; I guess you might be able to use VB4 for the internals, but don't hold me to that -- I don't even know how you would go about doing that. Probably the easiest language to program an equalizer plugin for Winamp would be C++. If you've never coded before... good luck.
Another place that might be worth looking at woudl be the Nullsoft Developers Network:
They might have something there that will help you on your way.
Good luck!
- Jarsonic
Swat Leader
8th April 2001 14:44 UTC
Thanx. I will do my best:)