Archive: Anybody paying attention??

Hello all,

I'm just a little frustrated here. I posted a question a few days ago asking about determining the version of dlls. Well, no senior developers answered my post, but there have been two other posts concerning the same issue. Can somebody that has the power to determine what is going to be added to this project tell me if version checking will be added in eventually?

By the way, I wrote my own version checking exe file that I'll try and post soon. I wrote it in VC++. The other recent post had wrote it in VB. Mine does the same thing. It creates a file that you specify if the file is newer. I personally thing this is inefficient. Nullsoft makes awesome products and I know that the lack of version checking is just an oversight!


I think the easiest way would be to set a registry key, and check to see if it exists. Maybe that's too oversimplified, but it works for me.