13th April 2001 20:54 UTC
I have compiled an installation that uses the DLLRegisterServer function, and it works fine with Windows 2000 SP1 machines (Mfc42.dll 6.0.8665.0), but when a client runs it on an NT 4.0 SP4 machine (Mfc42.dll 4.2.xxxx) they receive the following error when the install program tries to register a DLL:
Ordinal 6663 could not be located in the DLL Mfc42.dll
Is this because the Mfc42.dll is too old on the client's machine? I did not think this installer had a reference to the MFC, but mabye I'm wrong. Can anybody help? Thanks.
3rd June 2003 22:38 UTC
Saw this was posted two years ago. I've actually run into now. Is it from out of date MFC42 DLL?
4th June 2003 06:23 UTC
If I remember correctly, the problem was an out of date Mfc42.dll. I was able to rename the old version, then copy the newer version from a Win2k box, then reboot the NT4 machine, and then it worked (I think). That was a while ago so I can't remember exactly how I resolved the issue.
Joost Verburg
4th June 2003 12:47 UTC
Are you using the RegDLL command?
4th June 2003 15:03 UTC
No I don't use RegDLL anywhere in my script. At least not to my knowledge. Could be it's hidden away in a macro or something but I doubt it.
Joost Verburg
4th June 2003 15:25 UTC
So which command are you using to call DLLRegisterServer?
4th June 2003 18:36 UTC
Correction, I used to call RegDLL to register a DLL but I no longer use that. I now only have a call to UnRegDLL to get rid of the DLL I was formerly registering. Could that cause the problem?
4th June 2003 20:42 UTC
When installing an MFC application you should make sure the computer you're installing to has the right MFC version. IIRC Microsoft provide pre-built installers for MFC, so you can get one from MSDN and install it if the MFC dll version doesn't match your plug-in expectations.
4th June 2003 21:32 UTC
Ok thanks Kichik, I'll do that.