Archive: I idea I would love to see in a future release

I think having a "Web Install" option would be 'gnarly'

Instead of packaging all the files into 1 exe why not download an installer (like Netscape's setup) that transfers the necessary files from the web?

Maybe even have the option to store a text file on a specified server and have the installer download that file first.. this file would contain the filenames (and locations) of what to download.
This way people would use the installer as an updater too.

Excuse me if I come across as confusing. I am a bit drunk at the moment. =)

Best ideas.
I also was thinking about such feature. I think it is a good idea.


PS. My best ideas also come when I'm drunk, the only problem is remembering them the next morning. :D

Personally, I hate web installs.

And it's probably a lot of work (you'd need to include a complete downloader).
Do you want such a complex (and error-prone) feature?

Not now, for the future
First let Justin make NSIS a good (not to degrade the installer, it is already damn good) "normal" installer and after that add the web-feature, if there is enough demand for it.

Good for VB
I think it would be great for VB applications that would need runtimes/ocx's/etc. This way, you could have one installer download and then when the user installs it, if they need any of the required files, they can download them.

Re: Good for VB
I don't like internet installs because they depend on the reliability of the server at all times. Nobody can mirror your files if the install script always looks in the same place - and what if you change web hosts? Ugh.

Originally posted by polaughlin
I think it would be great for VB applications that would need runtimes/ocx's/etc. This way, you could have one installer download and then when the user installs it, if they need any of the required files, they can download them.
Or you could do what I've done, and test for the VB runtime files and re-direct the user to download something else if they don't exist:

IfFileExists "$SYSDIR\msvbvm60.dll" 0 5
IfFileExists "$SYSDIR\mscomctl.ocx" 0 4
IfFileExists "$SYSDIR\mscomct2.ocx" 0 3
IfFileExists "$SYSDIR\comdlg32.ocx" 0 2
IfFileExists "$SYSDIR\tabctl32.ocx" 0 1
Jump 2
MessageBox MB_YESNO "You are missing support files. Download them now?" IDNO 1
ExecShell "" ""

Nifty, eh? :)

Good call!

this is what i did in a .vbs file that my nsis script runs:

Dim fso
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If not fso.FileExists("C:\Windows\System\ASYCFILT.DLL") then
msgbox "The file ASYCFILT.DLL can't be found.", 64
end if
If not fso.FileExists("C:\Windows\System\COMCAT.DLL") then
msgbox "The file COMCAT.DLL can't be found.", 64
end if
If not fso.FileExists("C:\Windows\System\MSVBVM60.DLL") then
msgbox "The VB6 runtime files can't be found.", 64
end if
If not fso.FileExists("C:\Windows\System\OLEAUT32.DLL") then
msgbox "The file OLEAUT32.DLL can't be found.", 64
end if
If not fso.FileExists("C:\Windows\System\STDOLE2.TLB") then
msgbox "The file STDOLE2.TLB can't be found.", 64
end if
If not fso.FileExists("C:\Windows\System\Olepro32.DLL") then
msgbox "The file Olepro32.DLL can't be found.", 64
end if
msgbox "If this is the first message box you've seen then
you're all set and ready to use the program. If any file
was reported missing then you'll need to install the VB6
runtime files.", 64

I have windows installed on d:\ so that wouldn't work.

After sobering up a bit I remembered that I hate web installs. What was I thinking?!
I must say I agree with you, Koen van de Sande

Originally posted by spanky
After sobering up a bit I remembered that I hate web installs. What was I thinking?!
I knew this would happen. Sorry I didn't get to you sooner in the thread. Just wanted to warn you that posting while drunk is NEVAR a good idea! You will always do something silly! Or i always do!*

*I'm not drunk right now.

Ohh please.....
It's funny to play drunk in the forums, but when it's time to calm down we do...

| And I thought of Web Installs first!!!! |

if anyone DARES destroy NSIS with a webinstall that would be the END. Have u ever tred one of these your self????????????? They are that worst thing EVER. Please Please do not destroy NSIS with one it is a great Installer as it is!

yeah but in some cases (like with me where files are updated regularly) a web installer would be a great addition to NSIS.