22nd April 2001 17:54 UTC
I need a variable that gets an operation system dependant result. It should be false if it is Windows95/98/ME and true if it is Windows NT/2000. Is it possible to generate that variable? I must install a vxd for W95 and a sys driver for NT/W2K. I did not find anything like that so far.
Best regards
Wolfram Podien
22nd April 2001 18:22 UTC
My tip is a bit lame, but it could work...
Use IfFileExists for a file that win95/98/me have and that NT don´t...
I told you that it was lame...
Does somebody have a better idéa?
22nd April 2001 18:53 UTC
the thing is that it is easy to implement in source code.
Here it is
vers.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
GetVersionEx (&vers);
switch (vers.dwPlatformId)
case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS : ntacess = false;break;
ntacess = true;
default :
AfxMessageBox ("Unknown operating system\n");
exit (0);
But how to put it into nsis?
Best regards
22nd April 2001 19:59 UTC
Originally posted by podien
But how to put it into nsis?
Best regards
The source is free... so you could always put it in yourself :)
22nd April 2001 20:08 UTC
The NSIS source is included with the NSIS installer.
I think you should use Visual C++ when modifying it.
Or you could hope that Justin sees your post and likes the
idea, then he´ll probably add it to the official release...
23rd April 2001 16:09 UTC
The problem is that I would like to get it in an offical release. I think there are more people who need that feature.