25th April 2001 15:24 UTC
Hi all,
For some reason, this code doesn't work right. If yes, the program should run and the installer should quit. If no, the installer should stay put and let the user see the details. It quits though, no matter what is chosen!
Am I doing something wrong?
AutoCloseWindow False
MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION "Would you like to run it now?" IDNO 2
AutoCloseWindow True
25th April 2001 16:45 UTC
switch the last 2lines
*i miss read*
25th April 2001 20:56 UTC
you need to use an if..then..else loop to get this to work properly :) :)
26th April 2001 09:12 UTC
Sorry, but I think I'll need an example of an if-then-else thing...
26th April 2001 12:16 UTC
I think Webspider is refering to Visual Basic or something...
28th April 2001 05:18 UTC
I tried your idea, Bor, but it didn't work; thanks anyway!
Is this like one of those commands that run whether or not they're in a section that's used?
Please, help, Justin! :(