Archive: Feature Idea: Splash Screen

It'd be nice to throw a splash graphic up just before/as the install starts.

Something like:

Splash imagefile [delay]


Splash "whatever.bmp" 3

Would hold up whatever.bmp for 3 seconds. Or we could get really anal-retentive and go miliseconds or something so you could have it up 3253 miliseconds if it that was important to you.


--Lyle E. Dodge

Well, I honestly think that the only reason splash screens were invented, was to have something going on during the required delay, i.e. InstallShield.

So that'd be the reason why it hasn't been added yet, I guess.

But having it as a feature would make NSIS all the more powerful...

True Dat...
However, it can be a nice thing none-the-less. Which would, as you say, make NSIS all the more manly.


it's uselss.
why to add a pointless delay?

the reason that i use nsis is because it doesnt have all the useless time wasting features like a splash screen.

Its good the way it is... fast and informative... not slow and useless but the splash screen looks great

oh well im probably exaggerating a bit .... infact it might be useful, and shouldnt take up much extra coding & time

hmm i change my mind quickily

I agree...but...
What I'm talking about is optional. If you don't like the splash screen idea you can a: not use it or b: not use it...I might have a third option but it escapes me right now. :)

But...there are some that might like to throw a splash up to advert the program you are about to install. Just an informative "look and feel" type thing that other installers support (granted...out of neccessity) but this seems like while it's not *neccessary* it might still be a nice human interface thing.

--Lyle E. Dodge

If you really want a splash screen, create a program that throws one up, called mysplash.exe, then do this:

Function .onInit
SetOutPath $TEMP
File mysplash.exe
ExecWait mysplash.exe
Delete $TEMP\mysplash.exe

This has the advantage of compressing all of the splash data+code.


Hey, that's a good idea!...

...but it's a lot of extra bloat for those of us with something like Delphi...

...anyone know of a small program that turns a picture into an EXE, and allows a time delay, or something? I've seen one before, but I can't remember what it was called...something like Alchemy Mindworks?

Alchemy Mindworkshop can be found under:

But I'm not sure if you can create splash screens with it.