26th April 2001 06:56 UTC
Ya know how "other" installers have a large white caption in the upper left corner of the "Big Gay Blue Gradient". It'd be nice if NSIS would display the "Name" or "Caption" variable. I guess "Caption" makes the most sense.
--Lyle E. Dodge
26th April 2001 09:07 UTC
I was caught with this one at first.
It's meant to write text there. You have to specify a colour though, as in (off the top of my head):
BGGradient 0000FF 000000 FFFFFF
to make a gradient blue at the top, black at the bottom and with white text.
I think that this is a bug of some sort, because otherwise there would be no use for the 'notext' option.
26th April 2001 09:12 UTC
Nice work!
Thanks petersa!
That worked nicely. Just what I was looking for. Seems that should be on by default. Anyhow. Thanks for the tip.