Archive: No Required Sections

Am I correct in understanding that at least one section of the installation is required? I ask because I'm working on something where the end-user could easily choose to install Option 1 *or* Option 2 *or* Both. this point Option 1 is required cause it's listed first (Right?).

So...I'm wondering if it'd be better that we default to *all* sections being *unrequired* and we just have to specify for those sections that are required (by using the '-' directive in each section).

Or...we can add a symbol that means *not required* or something. I prefer the first option: all unrequired unless overridden. Because it seems to me that there are scenarios where *neither* option is required, per se, but one of them is required to be able to continue.

Therefore...if none of the options is selected the Next button is disabled.

Am I off my rocker on this thought? Mmmmm...flame bait.

--Lyle E. Dodge

No, I agree.

I was making an installation with the required files, and checkboxes for desktop shortcuts and a Start menu group. I was thinking that it's be good if the required bit could be hidden, and then have the optional bits and say 'Choose from these optional components' or something.

As a temporary solution you could just make the first section do basically nothing, so that it really isn't a section at all.