Archive: Feature Idea: Print License Agreement

I think the subject pretty much explains it. Basically it'd be swankadelic to have a simple "Print" button on the License Agreement page.

Of course this is more than just adding the button but I think some end-users might find it nice to be able to print the license agreement.

--Lyle E. Dodge

My guess is that if people wanted to print it out, they would just copy and paste it into WordPad or something...

Licence printing
I simply install a text/RTF file with the licence.

Why clutter the install with a print button. They
can read it and choose not to install if they don't
like it. If the want to print it after the fact,
they can do so after the install is complete.

Come to think of it, I see many installations that show a license, and have a license shortcut under the Start menu...

I was guessing before that the people who had the slightest interest in the license in the first place, would know how to copy and paste somehting... :)

I think there is a much bigger problem with the licence page and that is that there is no way to confirm a user agreed. So I suspect enforcement of any licence may be that much harder if ever required.

I've seen other installers with AGREE and NOT AGREE buttons or radio buttons with the default being not agree, the second way is probably the best....


until the feature is implemented you could do it like that:

Function PrintLicense
MessageBox MB_YESNO 'Print License Agreement?' IDNO lbl_end
ExecShell print whatever.txt

cu yzo