I have a bug in NSIS 1.32 to report.

I put in the script this header command :
InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\nsbo\mdinote"

I compile the script (with other stuff, of course) and MakeNSIS does not display any errors or warnings. Then, I test the compiled MSIS EXE file. When the setup program built with tries to copy my main program, a MessageBox appears, "Unable to open for writing "C:\Program Files\nsbo\mdinote\mdinote.exe". Hit Retry to...".

It seems that when I put "SetOutPath $INSTDIR", the compiled NSIS EXE does not create the directory "C:\Program Files\nsbo" before creating "C:\Program Files\nsbo\mdinote", raising an error.

I also tested my script under NSIS 1.1v (the second latest I downloaded) after I deleted SectionEnd insturctions in the script and all the process (compiling and testing install program) worked fine.

Update on April 28th, 2001 at 3:25 PM :
Oops ! This bug was already reported.
See thread "Weird behaviour ?".
My apologizes.

[Edited by Repzilon on 04-28-2001 at 03:27 PM]