28th April 2001 22:29 UTC
Is there a way to prompt a user and exec a command before the license screen shows?
Reason: I want to place my program on ZDNET and they strongly recommend letting the user view the readme, or other information, before they install.
Ideally, I could show the readme in the same format the license is currently shown, only before the license...or even choose when to display it. I have seen installers that do this. It's a good idea for programs you get from archives because you haven't always seen all the information the program's web site would offer. Sometimes there is no link to a web site from the archive.
28th April 2001 22:47 UTC
you can use ExecWait to show the readme file in notepad( in the .onInit function ).
28th April 2001 22:54 UTC
But an exec command must be inside a section, and sections are not shown until after the license screen. Or is this a new feature in 1.4 you are talking about?
I'm using 1.3.
29th April 2001 01:33 UTC
1. LicenseText/LicenseData should fix your need, doesn't it ?
if not
2. download 1.4 beta 2 and make use of the
.onInit Callback Function
something like
Function .onInit
SetOutPath $TEMP
File info.txt
ExecWait $TEMP\info.txt
Delete $TEMP\info.txt
cu yzo
29th April 2001 05:34 UTC
I don't think you need to show a readme before the installation for posting on ZDNet. Giving the user the option after the install (a prompt) should be sufficient.