is it possible to extract DLL files to the system directory, but only if they don't already exist?
Archive: Installing DLLs to the system directory
is it possible to extract DLL files to the system directory, but only if they don't already exist?
Originally posted by soup-a-stu
is it possible to extract DLL files to the system directory, but only if they don't already exist?
1) IfFileExists $SYSDIR\target.dll CheckVer InstNewVer
2) CheckVer:
CompareDLLVersions source.dll $SYSDIR\target.dll InstNewVer SkipInst
3) InstNewVer:
SetOverwrite try
SetOutPath $SYSDIR
File source.dll
4) SkipInst:
That actually won't work, because CompareDLLVersions compares two DLLs on the _target_ system.
What you have to do is this:
; will update $SYSDIR\target.dll with my_updated_target.dll
SetOutPath $TEMP
File my_updated_target.dll
IfFileExists $SYSDIR\target.dll CheckVer InstNewVer
CompareDLLVersions $TEMP\my_updated_target.dll $SYSDIR\target.dll InstNewVer
Goto SkipInst
Rename /REBOOTOK $TEMP\my_updated_target.dll $SYSDIR\target.dll
Goto End
Delete $TEMP\my_updated_target.dll