Archive: Infinite loop

Hey, Justin

I have discovered a bug on NSIS.. I hope you can reproduce it on your machine.

When I comment everything on config.h but the BGBG and the unistaller.. there is no problem. The problem comes when I only left the BGBG or the unistaller or neither. For instance, the problems occur when commenting everything on config.h.

The problem is that when I put DirShow to the "Show" value, and the $INSTDIR is well (with .onVerifyInstDir). In that moment, the installer cant reach the intallfiles section. On the instdirsection, I press "Next" and I go back to the component section. (Like the back button).

I'm using Windows 2000, Visual Dev Studio 6.0, NSIS 1.42

Best Regards

I had the same yesterday. I commented out all options in Config.h (didn't need them), and then (I don't have a license page) I can click Next on the first page (Directories that is), but nothing happens.

Also, with certain text on the directory page, alignment isn't correct (the rightmost letter gets cut of, that word needs to be put on the next line instead). Not sure what is actually wrong here.