Archive: Silent Mode in COMPILER

I posted a message requiring a silent mode. And now the Installer has a silent mode.

I meant COMPILER silent mode. (or at least windows instead console output)



the compiler is 'silent' by default.
use the /PAUSE switch to see the console output.
IMO a windows output is not needed.

cu yzo

If you want it to be silent, try to put ">nul" after the command line. I'm not sure if this works for NSIS, but it works for most Dos programs (I mean console). This redirects output to nothing. Or you can try >output.txt to save it in a text file.


yeah sure koen it works with nsis.
i completely forgot that this was possible.

cu yzo

redirecting the output to the nul device still opens the console window. This is not SILENT.


i am glad that it opens, otherwise it wouldn't do anything ;)

cu yzo

It won´t do anything "visible". That´s silent.

I launch makensis.exe from a windows application to make a redistributable part of the application. I need no console window.


Originally posted by alfrenovsky
It won´t do anything "visible". That´s silent.
nah .. what you want is 'stealth mode' :)
if you use >nul it is more that 'silent', but the console _has_to_be_ opened!

Originally posted by alfrenovsky
I launch makensis.exe from a windows application to make a redistributable part of the application. I need no console window.
why don't you say that in your question then ? ;)

what do you use ? ShellExecute, WinExec or CreateProcess ?

so why don't you just use SW_HIDE as last parameter in ShellExecute / WinExec or with the wShowWindow flag of the StartUpInfo struct to use it with CreateProcess.

cu yzo

Build it yourself.
Use the linker switch /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS instead of /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE. but then there is no way to get a console. so you will never again see any output..

Silent Mode Command Line
I'm sorry to interrupt this technical discussion about silent mode of NSIS compiler.

I have a question as a USER of a program distributed using NSIS. (I'm sorry if I am in the writing in the wrong place) .

I want to make a custom CD which will install some applications after the Windows Setup is complete.

So I want to run a kit in silent mode. This works for the Install Shield programs (-r and the -s switch).
But I cannot get it to work for a NSIS kit. (Ex. Divx412codec)

I've tryied /S and /SILENT, after browsing the compiler documentation but it doesn't run in silent mode.

Thansks for your time,


Originally posted by alfrenovsky
I launch makensis.exe from a windows application to make a redistributable part of the application. I need no console window.
Then just use CreateProcess() with proper parameters. If you dont know how to do this - NSIS comes with a windows wrapper named makeNSISw including source, there you should find working source.