Archive: Extra Screens During install?

I'm looking for a way with NSIS to display extra "next" screens .. A few installers out there (the expensive ones) have this feature, the ability to display numerous information/picture screens, with back/next buttons.

The only way i can find at the moment is using bitmaps and splash.exe in an oninit system.. but its rather ugly, doesnt provide back/forward, and seems wasteful to use bitmaps, even tho they are compressed inside the installer.

order isnt 100% critical, but id like the ability to bring up 3 screens, lisence agreement, then proceed as normal.

Anyone got any idea? I'm no good at c coding, anyone know of a mod for NSIS that can provide this capability? Or justin and crew, any plans for a feature like this?

Hi Lord-Data,

I'm not completely sure about what you want on those screens, but perhaps a MessageBox with OK and Cancel buttons will suffice?

I'm sure that there are programs out there that will allow you to make a small program with those screens. I don't know of any freeware ones, but I'm always looking so I'll let you know.

lemme know what you find .. uses VISE installer .. pretty much what they do is what im after .. msg box's cant display images, i might have to turn to launching a series of small apps to do what i want perhaps, have them return exit codes for next or back and use the nsis script to handle jumping around .. might work, if albeit a little messy .. Still, itd work ..

A Solution that is awkvard!?
I see you want more screens and that is possible through changing NSIS system a bit by coding in some new stuff in the source code of NSIS. In NSIS they simply use some dialog templates and code to put it together and work. It seem (after what you wrote) that you aren't a very good programmer and if you specifically told me what the screens should look like I could probably help, provided that you gave me C/C++ compilers and other required support files (linkers, bitmaps, e.t.c) cos' I only have Borland Delphi Compiler and no C/C++.

Another apprach to get more screens is ofcourse to make a separate program that must be run before install or during the installation (by executing it from script).

Tell me more and I will probably think of something...

If using the external apps, i could do it, easily.. im more of a scripter than a programmer .. i program in visual basic primarily. C/C++ is foreign to me :)
The app i wish to distribute is the Global DIVX Player ( .. currently using NSIS, with no problems, i just want to use the screens approach like the bearshare installer does .. virtually identical .. text on teh right, a bitmap/picture on the left with back/next buttons between them.. I dont have a c/c++ compiler or tools needed, but i can get some from college .. Borland c++ 5, I guess .. Dont know if this will do the trick. Perhaps you, or someone, could at least provide an example of how to mod the source .. perhaps add a function for this kind of dialog .. pass a textfile and a bitmap as a parameter to fill the dialog in with .. could be a usefull adition to NSIS eventually perhaps .. Any ideas welcome :)

If you want to send me the bitmaps, I could use Multimedia Builder to compile them into a program for you, with the Back and Next buttons, but you might be put off by the size. 400kb plus size of bitmaps.