30th May 2001 09:03 UTC
I'm a bit unsure about quotes.
I know I would have to use quotes here because of the space:
However, take this line:
Would I have to surround it with quotes, since the $SMPROGRAMS variable has a space in it? Or not?
30th May 2001 10:23 UTC
uhm .. well i would say you only have to use quotes when you have spaces in strings within the script, so that the compiler is able to find the parameters.
after the setup is compiled, that will be handled by the installer automatically.
cu yzo.
30th May 2001 11:16 UTC
Thanks, yzo!
I tried to answer my own question by looking at MAKENSIS.NSI, but I found a few lines like so:
CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\MakeNSIS.lnk" ...
So yeah, I wasn't sure.
30th May 2001 11:19 UTC
now it's me who's unsure :)
cu yzo