Archive: new feature - Remotely Download....


I want to be able to do download from web or ftp server.

File /REMOTE "http:\\\upgrade.exe" filesize

File /REMOTE "ftp:\\userid :\upgrade.exe" filesize

File /REMOTE "ftp:\\\upgrade.exe" filesize

File /REMOTE [file location address] [filesize]

Installer has remote file address only.

What about this feature?


Edgewize wrote an utility to check for updates from the web (very small), but why would you want such a feature?
Why can't you include those files in your download?
Or are they add-on components?

Can't you execute those links through Windows shell?

If you need the very latest version of a file, simply ShellExec a web URL from your script. Update that web page if there is a new version, and users will see it.

You do not want to have a remote-fetch installer. Web-based setup is a Very Bad Thing (tm).

-- What if the user has to pay per-minute internet access charges (in other words, all of Europe)?
-- What if the user has a computer with no net access?
-- What if you exceed your download limit from your web or ftp server?
-- What if someone extracts the name and password from your URL?
-- What if another site wants to mirror your files?

Most importantly:
-- What if your download site goes down or changes address?

Microsoft can get away with it because they have a deal with Conexant to provite unlimited bandwidth and guaranteed uptime. You probably do not have a deal with a major internet backbone provider.

BTW, URLs use *forward* slashes: ""
Back-slashes only work in Microsoft products because Microsoft is trying to make everyone use their retarded back-slash convention for filenames.