Archive: 2 questions (one important)

1: when will this thing support high color icons?

2(the important one): What is the legality of hex-editing out that "Nullsoft Install system 1.44" on our executables?

1) not very likely - most computers are not set up to display high-color icons (it requires win98/NT and a user-enabled setting) and the icon would just take up more space in the EXE file.

2) Go for it. Better yet, install the source code too and remove the string entirely. You can do virtually anything you want to do to NSIS - see the license file included in the source. (Source is an optional component when you install NSIS normally.)

what? are you kidding me? 16 bit color icons can be seen if you have 16 bit enabled in your video settings, and that is supported in %80 and above of video cards out there. hell, I havent even seen a video card yet that dosent at least support 16 bit color, hell even the ones in our school support 24 bit color (PIece of crap ibm's). they don't take up that much. I'm making 8-10M installer, a 16 bit color icon wn't make a difference. and I'm talking about having the OPTION for 16 bit. you can compile smaller if you wanted too, 16 color and above it how it should be. Actually...I made a batch file that would generate a script...then compile the installer. I don't have the compiler to compile the source unfortunietly. :\. well, maybe. will Turbo C++ 3.0 do it? (it's a dos compiler :\)


Hrm ... I suppose. I'm pretty sure that (AFAIK) Win95, Win98, and WinNT 4.0 all come with "Show icons using all possible colors" disabled, even on 16-bit color settings. But adding a 16-bit icon in addition to the existing 256-color version would probably be a good option to have.

It won't be that easy to add, however. NSIS really cheats when it comes to resource handling, and it makes lots of assumptions about bit depth and header structure that only work on 32x32x256 icons. This isn't a high priority item, then, but I'll try to work it in if I get the time.

And if Justin wants to try it, it would be nice if he tells us so that I don't start :P