19th June 2001 01:18 UTC
No offense to Mike the llama but I do not like using the little llama icons that are distributed with NSIS. So I have removed the llamas and am now offering the 4 new icons (install, uninstall, tick yes and tick no) for download for anyone else who wants a llama-free installer but cannot be bothered to do it themselves.
Download here:
Use this NSIS code to use them:
Icon "main.ico"
UninstallIcon "uninst.ico"
EnabledBitmap "tickyes.bmp"
DisabledBitmap "tickno.bmp"
19th June 2001 05:06 UTC
Someone could make a page with these checkboxes and icons for NSIS...I have a couple...
Did anyone read this?
23rd June 2001 12:59 UTC
I'll do it..
I am creating a page for NSIS-stuff rightm now...
(i need a host...)
Koen van de Sande
23rd June 2001 22:32 UTC
I have a few of those new icons too :D
24th June 2001 15:54 UTC
I can host the page if necessary, just send me all the files for it and i'll put them up.
26th June 2001 04:48 UTC
Yeah, I have a few icons that I made... let me know if you want them, and I'll upload them (checkboxes, ghosted checkboxes... :D )
-- Jarsonic
29th June 2001 05:13 UTC
Ok, here's my icon / bitmap package... enjoy!
Tell me what you guys think. :D
-- Jarsonic
19th July 2001 22:58 UTC
here's another one to add to the collection - anyone feel free to use it anywhere
it's at
19th July 2001 23:00 UTC
strange - i definately type up there :confused: :confused: :confused:
Mr. Bojanglez
14th August 2001 05:44 UTC
is that really necessary?