Archive: How to find Winamp's directory or Plugin directory

Let me first say I'm sorry if I didn't RTFM thoroughly enough (I DID read through the .nsi examples and all the docs I could find, as well as searching google and the nsis and plugin forums here)...

How can I get the location of Winamp's dir? What I'd really like is the plugin root dir. I've searched my registery for a key pointing to the directories.. or something of the sort, but I found nothing.

Thanks for your help,

The closest I found is this:

Function .onVerifyInstDir
IfFileExists $INSTDIR\Winamp.exe PathGood
Abort ; if $INSTDIR is not a winamp directory, don't let us install there

You might be able to use Winamp's Add/Remove uninstall infromation in the registry, as the uninstaller for Winamp is located in Winamp's base directory.

This help any?

This is a function for the DSP Path:

Function GetWinampDSPPath 
ReadINIStr $OUTDIR $INSTDIR\winamp.ini Winamp DSPDir
StrCmp $OUTDIR "" NoINISetting
IfFileExists $OUTDIR Good

Try that.