Archive: Re-engineering an NSIS installer

Hello all

awesome program - have been using it for some time now, solving sooo many problems. (And getting a lot of help by reading the forum...)


i have recently suffered a harddisc crash, which of course deleted my one and only copy of a big script/installer i had just finished for an assignment... (Amongst a lot of other good stuff)

now my question is - is there ANY way (and i do mean any way) to somehow re-engineer the exe fil, so i can get the script out ??? - I only need the script which had a lot of customizing in it...

ANY help would be very appreciated...

thanx in advance....


Sorry - didn't read the post by "Peech_M" and the reply from Koen....

Well - i had to try.....

(where's the cheap Backup option when you need it)