Archive: Compiling with Lcc-Win32

I am not able to compile the source of NSIS with the freeware compiler Lcc-Win32. The compiler reports many errors and warnings in the sourcecode.
Has anyone compiled the sources with Lcc-Win32 yet? Can that person help me?

I can't even compile it with the freeware turned shareware C# and C++ editor Bloodshed Dev-C++. If anyone has anything about that, please reply. :)

Compiling with Borland C++
Has anyone experience with compiling with the commandline compiler of Borland's C++? I use version 5.5.
I can't compile the source with it. It produces some *.obj files, but I can't link them to an exe file. The obj file of exehead is not created, because of many errors.
Or can anyone give me an makefile for nsis 1.44, so that I can compile it easier with the Borland C++ compiler?

The Source already has a MakeFile file. if you don't have it, then I will be glad to send it to you.


I've succesfully build it with BCC 5.51 and MinGW 2.95.2-1.
Minor patching required, though. ;)

You can download modified source and makefiles from:

Thank you "egon". But I have a problem. I used the makefile under the msdos box under win95 and bcc32 compiles the sources into the *.obj files. But the *.obj files are not linked together, because the commandline is too long.
Here the complete error message:
ilink32 -v- -jzlib -Gn -q -ap -B:0x400000 c0x32.obj build.obj exedata.obj
makenssi.obj script.obj tokens.obj util.obj adler32.obj deflate.obj trees.obj,
makensis.exe,, cw32.lib import32.lib,, script1.res
Fatal: Command arguments too long

Please help me.

My DOS is rusty, but *I think* that if you put your command line in a .bat file and run that it may work. I think I read a long time ago that the MSDOS command line has a limit to how much it can hold, but batch files don't.

On the other hand, IANAP (I am not a programmer :p C++ anyway ), and it may be the ilink32 program that has issues.

This link may be of some help...


IMHO, you need patches for BCC. Jump to:

and download Free Compiler update #1 and #2.

Because the makefile of the exehead does not work on my Borland C++ I compiled the source with a batchfile. But I am not able to link the *.obj files to exehead.exe, because of the following error:

Error: Unresolved external '_memcpy' referenced from C:\NSIS\SRC\EXEHEAD\INFUTIL.OBJ

What have I to do so that the linking is sucessful?

Use of VCtoBPR program??
Have anyone used the VCtoBPR.exe (or gui version: VCtoBPRu.exe) to convert the Visual C projects file makensis.dsp to Borland C++Builder Project, and tried to compile then? I did but errors happened. In my opinion, borland and microsoft should be language compatible. They use the same run time libraries (except VCL). But still there is errors, hmm... I think Borland should consider be more MS Visual C frindly and think about all those who share code with each other. (I know I'm crazy when talking about MS friendly, but hey.. they got a good programming utility that is 100% compatible with the platform we are forced to use).

Re: Linking

Originally posted by Disassembler
Because the makefile of the exehead does not work on my Borland C++ I compiled the source with a batchfile. But I am not able to link the *.obj files to exehead.exe, because of the following error:

Error: Unresolved external '_memcpy' referenced from C:\NSIS\SRC\EXEHEAD\INFUTIL.OBJ
What compilation options you've used? ZLIB needs to be compiled with -DEXEHEAD -DWINDOWS -D_WIN32 flags ...

BTW, I've tried my makefiles under win95 and everything worked fine (I'm using freeware BCC 5.51).

I also use free BCC 5.51, but the makefile does not work (even when I installed the two updates), because it says "command arguments too long" (as with the makefile of makensis). I have to link the *.obj files with a batchfile, but with exehead it does not work (I can link the *.obj files of makensis). I think I have used the same params the makefile uses, but I will do another try. If I am not sucessful I will post another message.

Where did you get the free compiler??? I have been looking for one. All I have is the free version of Bloodshed Dev-C++ 4.


@ DuaneJeffers: You can dowload the free Borland Compiler from: . BTW, it's the original command line compiler of the Borland C++ Builder!

Now, I have compiled the whole program. Many thanks to all who have helped me. :-)

Free BCC
@DuaneJeffers: Have you download the free BCC? What's your opinion about this compiler?

Sorry, I haven't gotten to download it. But I will at least today. I want to see how well it will compile it. I want to keep my settings right now, but I will give it a whirl.


Whoa, I never saw this text before. I went to the link and it changed. It doesn't have that many features to it. I think that is why you are having troble with it. If it were a bigger bundle, then you might have no problem, but this only offers you one item when the other versions have more items for the compiler. I really want to learn C++ as well as create my own Operating System (mmmmm, Linux). I don't think this compiler is for me. Sorry. :)