Archive: Forum Layout

Forum Layout
I really like the new forum style!!!
What do you think?
/Anders Runeson, Sweden :rolleyes:

I don't care, (Yea it's nice) but keep the commentary to the General Discussions, NOT THE NSIS FORUM. Thanks.


(stupid junior member)

"stupid junior member"
DJ: Yes its true that this discussion doesn't belong to this forum.

But that last comment would make me think twice about making you an moderator. "Senior Member" just means that you become involved in every discussion. Spam-posters also become senior members you know (No disrespect). :p

Perhaps I wanted to know what the NSIS ppl think of it...

If you look at the date I registred you would see that it was before you.
I have read almost all post since and the reason that you have post more replies than me could be that english is not my first language and I always have hard to express myself, and therefor I don´t reply if I think that my reply might be missinterpreded!

I never look at any of the other forums because they don´t interest me, the ppl I am familar with are in this forum and I wanted to know what you all think of the new forum style!
Forgive me, if any moderator agrees with Duane, please remove this thread!

/Anders Runeson :(

Still , your an idiot for posting such a rediculous thing in the nsis forum.