Archive: NSIS GUI Update - Slate Blue 0.0.25

NSIS GUI Update - Slate Blue 0.0.25
Slate Blue, my GUI for NSIS, has reached a phenomenal point: it will now parse & load settings from scripts. the only setback is that it only loads the nsis options that it supports.

it now comes with its own NSIS installer, with the script created by Slate Blue.

I have also put up the info page on it, at:


It was a good idea, but add something that adds attributes from a pull down menu


i'm not exactly sure what you mean. can you expand on "add something that adds attributes from a pull down menu"?

also, what do you mean, "it was a good idea"? the parsing, or the whole program. isn't it a good idea anymore? :)

It is still a good idea, but it needs more work. I know this sounds demanding, but that is what you have to expect. When I said, "add something that adds attributes," I ment that (if it is possible) have something that would add items and other flags or compiler attributes ($INSTDIR, $WINDIR, IfFileExists, etc.). Plus, have something that would add expandablity to the program (like a Text document that allows a user to add the attributes or some text document that can be updated/upgraded when "patched"). These are my ideas, I hope you like.


bad link
apparently my hosting is screwed up. i will post the working link asap! not that anyone cares...

so a dropdown menu containing different compiler/script options, rather than textboxes doing the same thing? like a dropdown that, when an item is selected, an inputbox pops up and the user is asked to enter say $INSTDIR?

and the text document idea, you mean like macros, or just being able to edit the script while inside my program?

thanks, i appreciate the criticism.

The pull down is an GOOD IDEA. But the text document I was talking about was something like a webserver's .conf or a .ini would work. That way, you could edit a text document and not have to do much updates, just a text document. I would not know how this work properly, but if you need help, just reply. Also, add a plug-in (.dll or something like that) that could add expandablity to the PiMP install system. Just a thought.


an .ini file that has basic settings, then the user just changes the specific settings?

plugins would be nice :)

yea, but have a default .ini file included just in case that the user messes up. I thought you might like the idea of plug-ins, that way, (if you added the source to do this) other developers that created their own Enhanced NSIS language could add expandability. Like this.

Plus, I'm working on an NSIS Project House on . If I could get your permission and the program, I would like to add it to the website. :D :)


i am releasing the source to it, and i will let you post it on your Sourceforge site.

can you just link to the file on my server, so i can accurately track downloads, or does it have to be on sourceforge?

It can act like a mirror, but if you don't want it on the NSIS site, then I will link it to your site, just let me know when a new release is coming before you release it, that way I could update the site.

P.s. If you do host it, then that will free up space for me. :p :)

I was thinking, if you signed up at SourceForge, then I could make you an Admin.


i am signed up. i will join your group soon.

for now, the source is on

Ok, I will try and get it up there for right now, but I am having trouble uploading the site. So, I will create a site in PHP and I will add it.


I made an actual GUI for NSIS a while ago, I just updated it with the latest downloadable NSIS source code and exe header. I.e. you dont need the seperate makensis.exe console program.

Included is source code to the project and makefile.

- note this was more of a slap dash effort to get a gui on NSIS at the time. It probably contains a few bugs, but works.

Can I see the actual program???


My version of makensis.exe is included in the afore posted URL. My website is down at the moment, but when the kind people restart my RAQ3, I will put a link there.

Okay, I decided that I would be terrible at writing a GUI so I decided to contribue makensis.dll to the cause of an NSIS GUI.

Using the DLL would probably be a little quicker than running the console version and it has an easy callback function to allow logging in a window or something.

it can be downloaded at (headers and .lib file included, but I dont know about using it in a VB project).

Ohh, I can put an NSIS GUI project on the NSIS Project House Website. That way, we could have submissions of things like DLLs and Sources. Now, If I could only upload to the SourceForge Website.