Archive: Disabled by default?

Disabled by default?
By default I would like to keep an installation option disabled.

Is it possible to do this without the use of installation types (ie: "typical", "full", "custom")?

What option are you wanting disabled??


ooops, forget that last post.

If you are wanting to disable it, then just don't put the tags "InstType" in the header. Then in the sections, don't put "SectionIn" .

That simple. The Default (if you disable it) is everything except the first section is able to be enabled/disabled.

Hope that helps,

If I don't want specific installation types I knew not to use "InstType". And because I am not using it I do not need "SectionIn".
My installer does not use either of these.

But still, by default all the sections are enabled when the installer is run. Is there a way to choose whether or not certain sections are enabled/disabled by default?

No, not to my knowledge