25th August 2001 03:13 UTC
i think by 'keep it free' he means 'stop some other guy from changing the source slighty to make it better, but not release his changes for the public to use, and possibly charge for his upgraded NSIS claiming it as his own, which Justin is given no credit for even though he did 99.9% of the work.
25th August 2001 03:16 UTC
I knew I was going to do that one day - pressin the wrong damn button. I feel SOOOOO stupid. Anyway, the above should've been a reply to :D :D :D
1st September 2001 12:28 UTC
I'll just continue the thread here... :p
I think the GPL license is simply too long... Maybe he don't care if he gets any credit for it...
But for an open source license comparison you should go here:
I think the zlib/libpng-license is great because it is so simple.