Archive: Problem with all NSIS installation programs

Problem with all NSIS installation programs
I have a big problem with all installations which have been made by NSIS 1.44.

When i lauch the installation software, a messagebox appear and say:"Installer CRC Invalid"

What can i do ??

Files tested:
nsis144.exe -Installation of NSIS 144
shoutcast-1-8-3-windows.exe -Installation of Shoutcast server

Hmmmm.. this is a bad problem which will need to get sorted, but for now, just switch off the cyclical redundancy check.

(add "CRCCheck off" to your script).

> imho, this command should be CRCheck on|off.

but i can besauce the files are already compiled and i don't have the script (files are providing by

Then they've been corrupted while downloading. Try to download them with a different browser/ftp programm.

You might also have a virus. Have you tested yourself for SirCam (W32.Sircam.worm@mm)???? You can find out more info on it here: