Archive: trouble with Netscape

trouble with Netscape
Hello All,
I have an app that I have associated with a mime-type, from I.E. I can click the link and launch the app. In Netscape I get the popup asking how to handle my mime type, and I go ahead and select my app, and from that point on it works fine. However, after searching the registry I can not figure out an easy way to do this registration. I know it can be done because it happens with with winamp, and other programs. Is there an enlightened soul that can guide me in this quest?

Thank you in advance.


Well, how winamp does it is that it associates the file type and then the program launches when the program detects the file type. But this is not done through the registry, try doing it in the program coding. It would help to let us know what the program is for and then we will help you the best you can.


I have done the registration, and it works just fine with internet explorer this was done using nsis and setting some registry setting. However, in netscape it doesn't work. Essentially my program is a reader for a file format I have created and so when people go to look at these files they need to use my program. Does this make sense, I am not sure if I am asking the right questions or not.

Thank you.


First off, you are asking the right questions and the program sounds good.

Now are you using a plug-in or is it just through the registry??? Some times for Netscape, you need a plug-in so that you might tell it to use this program for this file type. The reason that Netscape does this is because the Mac crew is in the same room as the Windows crew, this is not the same for the Mac Microsoft crew. So, to equally distribute the platform, they use Plug-ins to use on both versions. So I believe that you might need a plug-in, but I might be wrong.


At the moment it is not a plug-in I would like to simply accomplish it through the registry. Also, my program has not been ported to mac, because well I don't have one to program on. I guess I will have to fight this battle all over again when I take on the mac challenge.

thanks for your help


No, I wasn't telling you to port it to a mac, I was just saying that the Netscape developers all work in the same room. And so that the browser is the same for Macs and PC's, they created a simple plug-in scheme that IE 5.5 uses (6.0 and up now only uses Active X).

Mac Bad.


okay I certainly agree mac is bad. However, I guess this gets us back to the original question. How do I register my application as a netscape helper app.

Thank you


True, true. Then, I wouldn't know, other than creating a plug-in.


That is the answer, I will make it work as a plugin. I can send messages all over windows real easy like, and all ready have it working to support IE. Could you please point me where I need to look for how to make a plugin, a template perhaps. Thank you much for your help on this topic.


A few places:


Hope this helps,
