Archive: Nullsoft Install System en Français

Nullsoft Install System en Français
Salut à tous, je voudrais savoir si quelqu'un s'est amusé à traduire ce logiciel en français ?
J'ai bien essayé de le faire mais lorsque je compile mon script, j'ai des erreurs à chaque ligne.
Merci d'avance, SinDromX

Because I don't understand you:

If a translator wanted to help out....I gather that you have script compilation errors, perhaps due to an imcompatibility with the french language verion of Windows?


Same question in English
Hi, I would like to know if there's a French translation for the Nullsoft Install System ?
When I try to write it in French, I've a lot of errors in my script, and I can't compile it !
Please, help me.

Excuse me for my english, it's not very good.

No, there is no French Translator for NSIS. But you could try and create one that does.

Gonzotek: It doesn't matter what version of windows you have. It is basically the same, except for Internet Explorer and the Language.


I tried to translate NSIS 1.0h in french. EXEHEAD and MAKENSSI compiled fine, I could process a NSI script withoout an error but the resulting install program shown a CRC error. Maybe because of the different size of the header (mine was about 3Kb larger).

It might be. Try and compile it with out the CRC check just to get it working properly. Then you could add it later, and try using the current version of NSIS, 1.0h was good, but it doesn't have all that you would expect from NSIS. It was pretty early on.


I did the translation a long while ago. This is why it is outdated.

Why it does not work ? I did not touch to core logic, I just translated strings.

I am actueally translating NSIS 1.44 in French.
It is named NSIS 1.44n and based on Edgewise NSIS 1.44e, with the little zlib tweak.

Status :
EXE header : around 100%
MakeNSIS complier : around 40 %
Documentation : 0%
Examples : 0%
Install script : 0%