Archive: a different direction

a different direction
In using NSIS, (rocks btw) I have been thinking it would be tight if the installer could download the script at run time and then do all the work then. This way you could make tweaks to the script over time with out a recompile, and accomidate new versions of your program etc. I was wondering if this has been proposed. Is this even possible? If so would be an effort worth trying? I would be willing to put forth some time trying to make it work.


Interesting concept...there is a small app available by one of the regulars here that can do http downloads via the Internet Explorer API, but I don't think that on-the-fly script changes are such a good idea...what if you break something in your users machines? Downloading the latest version of an application with an installer is a problem, let alone the guts of the installer itself. What if a user wanted to put a program (maybe not yours) on a machine w/o internet access. And what if your download site was unavailable for whatever reason? I'm not saying it doesn't have its merits, I can immediately see them, its just a large number of problems are introduced as well. If you want to try your hand at it, I'll help with testing, and positive critisism :).
