Archive: Shortcut Target Quote Problem

Shortcut Target Quote Problem

CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\Shortcut.lnk" \
"$INSTDIR\php\php.exe -q $INSTDIR\file.php"

That creates a shortcut with the following target:
"C:\Install\php\php.exe -q C:\Install\file.php"

But I need to create a shorcut with the following target:
"C:\Install\php\php.exe" -q "C:\Install\file.php"

How can I create this shorcut without NSIS thinking I want another parameter?

Try this:

CreateShortCut "Run PHP.lnk" \
"$INSTDIR\php\phpviewer.exe" '-l $INSTDIR\phpfile.php'

Also, if you are trying to create a CD or installer that uses PHP, then the php.exe will not display it, or is it a viewer.
